
Friday, September 2, 2011

P90X2: Get Ready for the Next Revolution!

P90X2: Get Ready for the Next Revolution!

==> Available for Pre-order starting Sept 1st at

How is P90X2 different from P90X®?

• Like P90X, P90X2 is a complete 90-day program, but with all-new, cutting-

edge workouts.

• It takes the principles and foundation of the P90X concept and cranks up

the intensity with exercises that demand balance, agility, and athleticism.

• P90X2 is the next wave in applied science for body transformation.

What's included in P90X2?

• 12 workouts on 13 DVDs or 4 Blu-ray discs

• Fitness Guide

• Nutrition Guide

• 90-Day Workout Calendar

==>How can you pre-order P90X2?

• Go to starting Sept 1 and click on the P90X2 box!

When will P90X2 be available?

• December 2011, but there are no guarantees it will be available before 2012 unless you pre-order from me! (or your own coach if you already have one)

If you want to receive it BEFORE CHRISTMAS you must pre-order!

• A Spanish language version will be available in January 2012.

What do you as a customer get if you pre-order P90X2 from me?

• Two FREE bonus workout DVDs. That's two more extreme workouts with

Tony you can use to get in tip-top shape for the holidays.

• FREE shipping and handling when you pre-order (up to a $40.00 value).

• An automatic sweepstakes entry to win exclusive P90X prizes. And the

earlier you place your order, the more chances you'll have to win.

Tony Horton himself might deliver it to your door!!!

• A shot to be featured in a future P90X2 infomercial!

Your Credit Card will not be charged until your P90X2 Ships, so I highly recommend you go pre-order you copy now at so you don't get stuck waiting on a backorder because they are going to fly off the shelves!!!

Check out these links to see which version is right for you:

Base package

Deluxe package

"The Ultimate" Package

**Each of these are also available on BLU-RAY!!!

Click here: Get My P90X2 Pre-Ordered Today

Friday, August 26, 2011

Top 6 Tips to Getting Started with your New Workout Program

My customers and people on my team frequently ask me, "Ok, I've got my new P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, etc., and I want to lose X number of pounds......where do I start?"

Here are my Top 6 tips to Getting Started:

1. Get out your new workout out of the package and READ THROUGH EVERYTHING! So much good info in the guidebook, and especially read about the nutrition and food guide.

2. Commit to following the Meal Plan as closely as you possibly can for the first 30 days. You can do anything you set your mind to for 30 days. Once you get your body used to eating healthy food, in the right portions, spaced out correctly throughout the day, you'll be amazed at how much more energy you have for your workouts and for your daily life! (And I would also say doing a 3 day SHAKEOLOGY cleanse right before starting is great too for some quick results and great motivation!)

3. Follow the workout schedule as it's written. Get or use a heart rate monitor or bodybugg so you know at what intensity level you're working at and how many calories you're burning off. Intensity is the key!

4. Keep a food journal and write down everything (and quantities) you eat. You'll probably be surprised you're eating either way more calories than you thought or way less than you need. You can simply use a notebook on your kitchen counter and write everything down as you weigh, measure and cook it. Sometimes just having to write down and calculate the calories in a cookie can stop you from eating it—especially if you keep your food journal out in the open where anyone can see it!!!

5. Weighing yourself. There are different thoughts on this and you have to find what works for you but won't drive you crazy. What worked for me was to weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning, naked, after going to the bathroom. (I kept a notebook in my bathroom for this purpose.) I wrote down my daily weights and at the end of the week I averaged it! This allowed me to see the daily, NORMAL, fluctuations in my weight, but also that the AVERAGE weekly weight was going down. (Heaven forbid I only weighed once a week and that day just happened to be one of my "up" days. That could ruin my whole day or more!)

6. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS & PHOTOS!!!! Sometimes we get too hung up on a number (hence, don't weigh yourself everyday if it sends you into crazytown). But what we REALLY want is to look good and fit into smaller clothes, right??? So progress photos and measurements tell us our progress much better than just the number on the scale. You will be building new lean muscle as you go through your new workouts, but lean muscle tissue is compact. Fat is fluffy. We want that muscle tissue because every pound of muscle increases our metabolism and burns away the body fat! For example, if you lose 10lbs of fat, but gain 5lbs of muscle tissue, do NOT be disappointed. The scale will only record a 5lb "loss" but you will look SO much better and you will have lost many inches—and you will fit into smaller pants!!! :)

Ok, those are just a few of the most important things to get you started.

I am always here to help, so never hesitate to email, text, call or send me a message!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Moms taking ACTION!

As Moms, we get swept away in taking care of everyone else and often forget about our own needs. Our need for a career, a healthy body, a social life or even new hobbies can go missing. Let’s share new ways you can take action in your life and Rediscover the Me in mommy! As our kids step on the bus, we wave goodbye and start our day. Many of us go home to the same old routine of work, laundry, grocery shopping, list making, and paper shuffling. Self-discovery is usually not going on over a pile of papers! But, now is the perfect time to grow beyond your routine.

How are you living your life? Are you in the driver’s seat or the passenger’s seat of your life? A driver takes control and determines where she is going next. As a passenger you rely on others to show you the way and you are not even sure where you are going!

You are the only one responsible for your life. Taking responsibility for what is working and what is not working. You have a choice in how you react to people and events. At times you may feel powerless and dependent on others to feel good about your self. Don’t get caught up in the ‘stories’ you tell yourself which are just excuses to stay in a comfort zone. Ask yourself this, does believing the stories allow you the job you want, the body you want, the trips you would like to take, the relationships you desire or the future you crave?

You have a choice to create a future you desire. What do you want to choose? Taking Action or waiting for someone else to do it for you? Taking Action is key to being happy and feeling optimistic!

Football Fan/Couch Potato Challenge

I've had a great couple days since I last posted. I taught a really fun live Turbo class on Thursday. If you haven't done Turbo Jam with any of your friends you're really missing out. It's so much MORE fun when you do it as a group. So, invite some of your friends over and pop in your DVD!

I also helped a friend take control of her life, both physically and financially, as she signed up to be a Beachbody Coach on My Coaching Team! Look her up in the Member Gallery under " Sarahpow ". Let me know if YOU would like more info on being a Coach and providing support and encouragement to others on their journey toward health & fitness. (And Coaches get an AMAZING DISCOUNT on everything here at Beachbody.)

This morning's workout was ChaLEAN Extreme, Push Circuit#3. It is primarily a chest, back & glutes workout, with heavy weights. I used 25# dumbbells on everything, but could have gone higher if I had more dumbbells. I really need to get some 30's and 35's! The last couple weeks I have been so stiff and sore. And I finally realized it was because I was not using the P90X Results & Recovery formula after my strength training workouts like I normally do. I had been trying to conserve my supply so I could share it with some friends at an upcoming group workout. Silly me! I started taking it again and my muscle soreness is so much less! I'll just have to order some more because it is worth it. Now my husband is starting to use it too, so I might have to put it on home-direct auto shipments so I don't run out!

Now that it's FOOTBALL season, I saw a great CHALLENGE for anyone who plans on plopping down in front of the TV all day. For every one of these that you witness do the following:

TOUCHDOWN = 20 Pushups
FIELDGOAL = 20 Crunches
TURNOVERS = 20 Squats or Lunges

At least this way you won't be a complete couch potato when you're watching your favorite team play!

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

10 Reasons Why Women Need to Lift Weights

10 Reasons Why Women Need to Lift Weights
By Whitney Provost

Many women believe that the only way to lose weight is to do cardiovascular (aerobic exercise). So they jog or take aerobics classes five times a week. Eventually, though, they notice that while their bodies are a little smaller, there are still a lot of flabby and jiggly bits. Sound familiar? Aerobic exercise is important for good health, but it's only half of the equation. Keep reading for the other half.

For optimal fitness, longevity, and a lean body, weight training is essential. If you avoid pumping iron because you're afraid of getting "bulky," then you're missing out on one of the best fat-burning methods around.

When you're weight training, you shouldn't rely exclusively on the scale to gauge your progress. You can use a body fat tester or a tape measure to track how many inches you're losing. The size of your body will shrink as you shed fat and build muscle, but your weight may not change as dramatically as you expect. Besides, what's more important, the number on the scale or how you look in your skinny jeans?

If you're still not convinced that you need to lift weights, here are 10 reasons why you should reconsider.

1. Burn more fat. Researchers at Tufts University found that when overweight women lifted heavy weights twice a week, they lost an average of 14.6 pounds of fat and gained 1.4 pounds of muscle. The control group, women who dieted but didn't lift weights, lost only 9.2 pounds of fat and gained no muscle. When you do an intense weight-training program such as ChaLEAN Extreme®, your metabolism stays elevated and you continue to burn fat for several hours afterward. During regular cardio exercise, you stop burning fat shortly after the workout.

2. Change your body shape. You may think your genes determine how you look. That's not necessarily true. Weight training can slim you down, create new curves, and help avoid the "middle-age spread." Just look at the amazing body transformations of the women who've completed P90X®. Dropping only 3 percent of your body fat could translate into a total loss of 3 inches off your hips and thighs. And no, you won't bulk up—women don't have enough muscle-building hormones to gain a lot of mass like men do. If you keep your diet clean and create a calorie deficit, you'll burn fat.

3. Boost your metabolism. The less muscle you have, the slower your metabolism will be. As women age, they lose muscle at increasing rates, especially after the age of 40. When you diet without doing resistance training, up to 25 percent of the weight loss may be muscle loss. Weight training while dieting can help you preserve and even rebuild muscle fibers. The more lean mass you have, the higher your metabolism will be and the more calories you'll burn all day long.

4. Get stronger and more confident. Lifting weights increases functional fitness, which makes everyday tasks such as carrying children, lifting grocery bags, and picking up heavy suitcases much easier. According to the Mayo Clinic, regular weight training can make you 50 percent stronger in 6 months. Being strong is also empowering. Not only does it improve your physical activities, it builds emotional strength by boosting self-esteem and confidence.

5. Build strong bones. It's been well documented that women need to do weight-bearing exercise to build and maintain bone mass, and prevent osteoporosis. Just as muscles get stronger and bigger with use, so do bones when they're made to bear weight. Stronger bones and increased muscle mass also lead to better flexibility and balance, which is especially important for women as they age.

6. Fight depression. You've probably heard that cardio and low-impact exercises such as yoga help alleviate depression, and weight lifting has the same effect. The endorphins that are released during aerobic activities are also present during resistance training. Many women find that regular strength training, in conjunction with psychological treatment, helps lessen their depression symptoms substantially.

7. Improve sports fitness. You don't have to be an athlete to get the sports benefit of weight training. Improved muscle mass and strength will help you in all physical activities, whether it's bicycling with the family, swimming, golfing, or skiing . . . whatever sport you enjoy.

8. Reduce injuries and arthritis. Weight lifting improves joint stability and builds stronger ligaments and tendons. Training safely and with proper form can help decrease the likelihood of injuries in your daily life. It can also improve physical function in people with arthritis. A study conducted at the University of Wales in Bangor, United Kingdom, found that mildly disabled participants who lifted weights for 12 weeks increased the frequency and intensity at which they could work, with less pain and increased range of movement.

9. Heart health. More than 480,000 women die from cardiovascular disease each year, making it the number-one killer of women over the age of 25. Most people don't realize that pumping iron can also keep your heart pumping. Lifting weights increases your "good" (HDL) cholesterol and decreases your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol. It also lowers your blood pressure. The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that people who do 30 minutes of weight lifting each week have a 23 percent reduced risk of developing heart disease compared to those who don't lift weights.

10. Defend against diabetes. In addition to keeping your ticker strong, weight training can improve glucose utilization (the way your body processes sugar) by as much as 23 percent. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16 weeks of strength training can improve glucose metabolism in a way that is comparable to taking diabetes medication. The more lean mass you have, the more efficient your body is at removing glucose from the blood, which can reduce complications from diabetes or even help prevent type 2 diabetes in the first place.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tony Robbins Interview

Here is a link to a video clip of a FANTASTIC interview featuring Tony Robbins. It is great for anyone who has a goal—personal or professional—that they'd like to accomplish. It has inspired me to recommit to a couple myself and I KNOW that I will achieve them. Check it out!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

SHAKEOLOGY Gets Even Better!

If you were thinking of trying Shakeology, what if I upped some reasons that now is the time to order?

Ok, so the weight loss, the lowering your cholesterol, the fact it gives you more energy and all the other health benefits don't spark your interest?

What if I say, you can order your Shakeology via Home Direct and get FREE shipping for as long as you continue your order! That's like a $20 savings on each shipment!

Still on the edge?

If you order now, you can get the 2 newest Beachbody Videos that were meant to accompany Shakeology. One is a 30 minute and one is a 50 minute workout. Now you can do the same workouts the test group did! These programs are excellent for beginners looking to get started. Now you have a complete package: workout, and your vitamins. Oh, did I mention these 2 workouts are FREE with your order? Yup, FREE. Now you get free shipping and 2 new workouts FREE! Ok, so really what are you waiting for?

Lastly, Shakeology is like any other Beachbody product. Try it, and if you don't like it, return it for your money back!

Now, Free Shipping, two (2) Free Workouts, and money back guarantee! WOW, what a deal, there really isn't any reason not to try it!

Oh yeah, and coaches get 25% off!

So, if you order retail it's about $120 or $4 a glass.
Coaches get it for $90 or $3 a glass. $30 dollars off!
(Club members save 15%)
It costs $39.95 to sign up as a coach and $14.95 a month to be a coach. So, once you pay your start up fee, and you continue to order your Shakeology, you get it for $15 a month cheaper than retail value if you are a coach. (plus, you can actually earn commissions, bonuses,... when you are a coach. Yup, you can earn money getting fit and healthy and helping others get healthy!)

You can only order Shakeology through my coach website. Go to and then go to Shop For Products.

Ok, ready to become a coach! Just click the Become a Coach button on the bottom of the page! Join our team today!