
Friday, August 26, 2011

Top 6 Tips to Getting Started with your New Workout Program

My customers and people on my team frequently ask me, "Ok, I've got my new P90X, Insanity, TurboFire, etc., and I want to lose X number of pounds......where do I start?"

Here are my Top 6 tips to Getting Started:

1. Get out your new workout out of the package and READ THROUGH EVERYTHING! So much good info in the guidebook, and especially read about the nutrition and food guide.

2. Commit to following the Meal Plan as closely as you possibly can for the first 30 days. You can do anything you set your mind to for 30 days. Once you get your body used to eating healthy food, in the right portions, spaced out correctly throughout the day, you'll be amazed at how much more energy you have for your workouts and for your daily life! (And I would also say doing a 3 day SHAKEOLOGY cleanse right before starting is great too for some quick results and great motivation!)

3. Follow the workout schedule as it's written. Get or use a heart rate monitor or bodybugg so you know at what intensity level you're working at and how many calories you're burning off. Intensity is the key!

4. Keep a food journal and write down everything (and quantities) you eat. You'll probably be surprised you're eating either way more calories than you thought or way less than you need. You can simply use a notebook on your kitchen counter and write everything down as you weigh, measure and cook it. Sometimes just having to write down and calculate the calories in a cookie can stop you from eating it—especially if you keep your food journal out in the open where anyone can see it!!!

5. Weighing yourself. There are different thoughts on this and you have to find what works for you but won't drive you crazy. What worked for me was to weigh myself everyday first thing in the morning, naked, after going to the bathroom. (I kept a notebook in my bathroom for this purpose.) I wrote down my daily weights and at the end of the week I averaged it! This allowed me to see the daily, NORMAL, fluctuations in my weight, but also that the AVERAGE weekly weight was going down. (Heaven forbid I only weighed once a week and that day just happened to be one of my "up" days. That could ruin my whole day or more!)

6. TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS & PHOTOS!!!! Sometimes we get too hung up on a number (hence, don't weigh yourself everyday if it sends you into crazytown). But what we REALLY want is to look good and fit into smaller clothes, right??? So progress photos and measurements tell us our progress much better than just the number on the scale. You will be building new lean muscle as you go through your new workouts, but lean muscle tissue is compact. Fat is fluffy. We want that muscle tissue because every pound of muscle increases our metabolism and burns away the body fat! For example, if you lose 10lbs of fat, but gain 5lbs of muscle tissue, do NOT be disappointed. The scale will only record a 5lb "loss" but you will look SO much better and you will have lost many inches—and you will fit into smaller pants!!! :)

Ok, those are just a few of the most important things to get you started.

I am always here to help, so never hesitate to email, text, call or send me a message!