
Thursday, July 9, 2009

SHAKEOLOGY Gets Even Better!

If you were thinking of trying Shakeology, what if I upped some reasons that now is the time to order?

Ok, so the weight loss, the lowering your cholesterol, the fact it gives you more energy and all the other health benefits don't spark your interest?

What if I say, you can order your Shakeology via Home Direct and get FREE shipping for as long as you continue your order! That's like a $20 savings on each shipment!

Still on the edge?

If you order now, you can get the 2 newest Beachbody Videos that were meant to accompany Shakeology. One is a 30 minute and one is a 50 minute workout. Now you can do the same workouts the test group did! These programs are excellent for beginners looking to get started. Now you have a complete package: workout, and your vitamins. Oh, did I mention these 2 workouts are FREE with your order? Yup, FREE. Now you get free shipping and 2 new workouts FREE! Ok, so really what are you waiting for?

Lastly, Shakeology is like any other Beachbody product. Try it, and if you don't like it, return it for your money back!

Now, Free Shipping, two (2) Free Workouts, and money back guarantee! WOW, what a deal, there really isn't any reason not to try it!

Oh yeah, and coaches get 25% off!

So, if you order retail it's about $120 or $4 a glass.
Coaches get it for $90 or $3 a glass. $30 dollars off!
(Club members save 15%)
It costs $39.95 to sign up as a coach and $14.95 a month to be a coach. So, once you pay your start up fee, and you continue to order your Shakeology, you get it for $15 a month cheaper than retail value if you are a coach. (plus, you can actually earn commissions, bonuses,... when you are a coach. Yup, you can earn money getting fit and healthy and helping others get healthy!)

You can only order Shakeology through my coach website. Go to and then go to Shop For Products.

Ok, ready to become a coach! Just click the Become a Coach button on the bottom of the page! Join our team today!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's Your Plan?

Subject: What is your plan?

A goal without a plan is just a wish.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
French writer (1900 - 1944)

This is a must if you wish to achieve your weight loss goals! Have you thought about what your plan will be?

Answer the following questions and it should be a good start to creating a plan.

1. What is your goal? Lose weight, improve your level of fitness? Name it and Claim it!

2. What will your eating plan be? Are you going to follow a pre-determined plan like the one I posted? Count Calories? Low GI Plan? Weight Watchers? Fat Smash Plan? The best plan is the one you will follow and can make work with your lifestyle! So think long and hard about how you can make that work?

3. What will your Fitness program be? A solid program will combine cardio and weight/strength training for success. Many folks rely on cardio stating they want to burn calories. And while it is true you burn calories with cardio, strength training builds muscle and muscle burns fat. Plus muscle is more compact than fat so when you weigh muscle and fat, muscle takes up less room. Figure you can weight the same but your pants would be looser for instance! Plus strength training helps builds bone density which decreases as we age!

4. How will you stay motivated? Do you have a circle of support? Do you post on a board with others who share similar goals? Do you go to support meetings? Do you have a workout buddy? I'm not saying you should do all of these things but you should be doing at least one of them because with out support you are doomed!

5. How will you stay accountable? Will you post your daily success or lack there of on your eating plan? Will you have a weekly weigh in? Take your measurements monthly? Who will you share the results with? Those that make themselves accountable tend to have greater success than those who don't!

Let me know if I can help you make YOUR PLAN!